Mark, charting member of the Old Crow Book Club, stood inside the grocery store and didn't see me. I completed my purchase and went up to greet him holding a bag of groceries. I hadn't seen him in two weeks, maybe more.
He saw me and roared his usual HELLO MATT!
I ushered us to a place to talk, in front of the cigarette case.
We caught up on the new year and then Mark said he was beginning the process of transitioning out of a Safe Rest Village and into an apartment. It was time. He told me he was working with a social worker to make it happen.
“I want to be able to invite friends over,” he said.
Visitors are not allowed at the Safe Rest villages.
“I want to be able to invite you over, Matt,” he said.
“When the time comes,” I said, “I'll help you move and get the apartment furnished.”
“All I need is a sleeping bag on the floor,” he said.
“Fuck that!” I screamed. A couple of shoppers checked us out.
I told Mark I knew someone with connections to a furniture store, a special friend who reads these posts. She assisted me in many of those early futile attempts to get Mark into housing in 2023.
“We'll set you up with some good stuff,” I said, “and get all the kitchenware you need from Goodwill.”
He laughed. “I sure have a lot of people who want to help me,” he said.
Yes, you do. Oh, and Mark, I'm also going to get you some doilies for the new apartment.”
“I love doilies,” he said, smiling.
I don’t know if you have ever checked out Community Warehouse - but they do a good job with helping people out who need furniture and kitchenware and other household items.