Operation 68: Letters From a Young Missionary in Brazil
Decades ago, I was a child growing up in Brazil where my parents served as missionaries for a Church of Christ mission called Operation 68. I see now, thanks to my mother's new book, a collection of her extraordinary letters home to her family and the congregation that supported us, that my brief stay in Brazil was perhaps the formative experience of my life, and particularly motivated my interest in helping and writing about the poor, downtrodden and homeless.
My mother and collaborated on this wonderful new book, Operation 68: Letters From a Young Missionary in Brazil and you can support this unique project by purchasing it via Amazon:
or contacting me directly to arrange the sale.
The blurb for the book is below:
On July 18, 1968, a 24-year-old preacher's wife and mother of two small children sailed from California with her family to Brazil to participate in a Church of Christ missionary service called Operation 68 in the city of Belo Horizonte.
Dawn Engel wrote approximately 400 letters over the course of two years to her parents in Portland, Oregon and a monthly newsletter to the Fort Worth, Texas congregation that supported her family's role in the mission.
Engel's extraordinary correspondence, excerpted in Operation 68: Letters From a Young Missionary in Brazil, reveals her unwavering and joyous belief in modeling Jesus' teachings about serving the sick, destitute and downtrodden. Along the way, she encounters the mystery of an exotic foreign culture, provides stateside comforts for her children (Kool-Aid!) and launches her career as a distinguished elementary school educator who, upon her return to Oregon, never missed a day in 25 years of teaching in public schools.
There has never been a better time for a book about faith-based-inspired ministry, or any ministry for that matter. Operation 68: Letters from a Young Missionary in Brazil is a desperately needed narrative of compassion and kindness to counter the bilious story of hate and anger afflicting far too many evangelical Christian communities in America today.