Also, you're straight up right about the Internet vs phones and/or cards. I have recently come to this conclusion more generally. Email and texting are too fast, easy and impersonal. It's a bad combination.
I think living rough is often about tradeoffs concerning how much autonomy a person is willing to give up. This can apply to what are essentially religious notions about self and worldview in general. Or it can just be about the hell people get put through to earn enough money to not be able to afford rent. A lot of homeless people are employed, too. And chronic and acute are real categories. Acute is more likely to be temporary, not just because the culture hasn't given up on you, but because you haven't given up on the culture. I've met homeless people who told me their families were rich. Who knows?
Also, you're straight up right about the Internet vs phones and/or cards. I have recently come to this conclusion more generally. Email and texting are too fast, easy and impersonal. It's a bad combination.
I think living rough is often about tradeoffs concerning how much autonomy a person is willing to give up. This can apply to what are essentially religious notions about self and worldview in general. Or it can just be about the hell people get put through to earn enough money to not be able to afford rent. A lot of homeless people are employed, too. And chronic and acute are real categories. Acute is more likely to be temporary, not just because the culture hasn't given up on you, but because you haven't given up on the culture. I've met homeless people who told me their families were rich. Who knows?